
Scientific Madness is a webcomic about a Mad Scientist and his son, who try to live their lives in a moderately realistic suburban setting, the realistic part being that there’s no magic or superpowers – unless they’re explained away with ridiculous mockeries of science. They often get themselves into all kinds of strange situations, mostly caused by human error and a reckless disregard of ethics.

Scientific Madness started in 2008, primarily as a reason for the author to keep improving his creative skills, but after a great amount of positive comments, it quickly evolved into a ‘real’ webcomic. After being hosted as a subsite of www.dvolve.org (the blog of my good friend DeV) for the first year and a half, the comic got its own domain name and current site redesign in august 2009. A year later the comic experienced a drastic decrease in updates due to an unforseen circumstance that required a complete rebranding. Since then, the comic had been updating on an extremely erratic monday-friday schedule due to other circumstances. Personal circumstances later led to years of hiatus.

About the Author

Ruud Ophelders is a 31 year old professional software developer and amateur cartoonist from The Netherlands. He’s been drawing comics since his childhood and created Scientific Madness all the way back in 2008. Having no formal education nor work experience in ‘art’, this webcomic is mostly a hobby.

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