Wow, I actually managed to post this comic on time. 😉
171: Task Force, 4.0 out of 5 based on 4 ratings
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2 comments to “171: Task Force”
I always wondered what all those colored squares represent in these high ranking uniforms.
Maybe, just some random colors to simulate importance?
April 22nd, 2010 12:44
Cal Engime:
They’re ribbon bars. It wouldn’t be practical to walk around with all the medals you’ve been awarded hanging from your chest all the time, so ribbon bars matching the ribbons the medals hang from are worn instead. Many awards have only ribbons with no corresponding medal.
I always wondered what all those colored squares represent in these high ranking uniforms.
Maybe, just some random colors to simulate importance?
They’re ribbon bars. It wouldn’t be practical to walk around with all the medals you’ve been awarded hanging from your chest all the time, so ribbon bars matching the ribbons the medals hang from are worn instead. Many awards have only ribbons with no corresponding medal.