With today’s comic we’re taking a short break from our current storyline to celebrate the holiday season. If you’re wondering what Atheistmas is all about, read last year’s comic on the subject.
Merry Christmas (or whatever holiday you’re celebrating) to all of you!
152: The Atheistmas Party, 4.6 out of 5 based on 7 ratings
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1 comment to “152: The Atheistmas Party”
Yes because socks, decorated tree, specific meals, toys and watching tv have so much to do with the birthday of Jesus. Atheists of the World, don’t be afraid to spend a good time with your family and friends on Christmass! Atheist gods won’t judge you.
Yes because socks, decorated tree, specific meals, toys and watching tv have so much to do with the birthday of Jesus. Atheists of the World, don’t be afraid to spend a good time with your family and friends on Christmass! Atheist gods won’t judge you.