Are you joking who wouldnt want to work for the next dr frankenstein?
I’m stalking you every day. I’m alive but you will probably not notice me but i’m never hiding. Who am i?
@hetmipje – I’m assuming the answer is bacteria?
Blegh you assume correctly ill try to make up another one tomorrow
A woman is in a hurry and forgets her coat and umbrella. She rushes to work and when she arrives at her workstation she isn’t wet. How come?
Its not raining? (great comic!)
You are absolutely correct robert, it never rained!
Since when did this become 😛
It’s like a free addon i’m trying to provide
This is not a riddle…where is todays comic?
Sadly I did not have enough time to complete today’s comic (yeah, yeah, lame excuse, I know). I’ll probably be able to finish it this weekend.
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Are you joking who wouldnt want to work for the next dr frankenstein?
I’m stalking you every day. I’m alive but you will probably not notice me but i’m never hiding. Who am i?
@hetmipje – I’m assuming the answer is bacteria?
Blegh you assume correctly ill try to make up another one tomorrow
A woman is in a hurry and forgets her coat and umbrella. She rushes to work and when she arrives at her workstation she isn’t wet. How come?
Its not raining?
(great comic!)
You are absolutely correct robert, it never rained!
Since when did this become 😛
It’s like a free addon i’m trying to provide
This is not a riddle…where is todays comic?
Sadly I did not have enough time to complete today’s comic (yeah, yeah, lame excuse, I know). I’ll probably be able to finish it this weekend.