May 4th, 2012

289: Obsolete Tidings Read the storyline the current comic belongs to

289: Obsolete Tidings
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
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6 comments to “289: Obsolete Tidings”

  1. Hetmipje:

    Are you trying to diss someone with this one?

  2. Ruud:

    @hetmipje – I don’t know who you have in mind but the decreasing amount of people that read newspapers is a well-known fact. I merely exaggerated it a little.

    Anyway, since nobody guessed your riddle in the previous comment thread, are you going to give away the answer? 😛

  3. Hetmipje:

    I could give it away but not until tomorrow 😉

  4. Hetmipje:

    It’s dead ofcourse… Why would you call her any different?

  5. Ruud:

    @hetmipje: Jeez… Now that’s one I would never have guessed 😛

  6. Hetmipje:

    Riddles don’t have to be easy right? Ill post another today

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