It’s been a while since I uploaded the last strip. I must say that after my long hiatus, it was hard to get inspired to write a new storyline again – my inspiration was dried up, so to speak. However, I finally managed to come up with a few ideas around a storyline that was just waiting to happen – the revenge of Dr. Cornelius Croydon.
If you’ve missed the events leading up to this strip, the storylines to read are ScienceCon;where Otto stopped Croydon from killing a bunch of scientists and Jailbreak; where Croydon escapes from prison, assembles a team of criminals and establishes a business in alternative medicine.
254: Business as Usual, 4.8 out of 5 based on 4 ratings
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2 comments to “254: Business as Usual”
Nice way to put it…”economy-driven downsizing of our key nemesis” You could also have said liquidating their most important assets, but well said 😀
Nice way to put it…”economy-driven downsizing of our key nemesis” You could also have said liquidating their most important assets, but well said 😀
Keep em comming, big thumbs up!
Thanks for coming back with a great gag!