April 8th, 2011

247: Navigational Equipment Read the storyline the current comic belongs to

247: Navigational Equipment
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
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4 comments to “247: Navigational Equipment”

  1. MIP:

    nearest controller shop is lightyears away probably:P

  2. SSM:

    Been following this for a while, first time commenting. Just wanted to say, this comic is really entertaining, and keep up the good work.

  3. iamjustin:

    Seriously… an X-box? Whilst the PlayStation is far more superior? You disappoint me.

  4. Din182:

    @iamjustin I totally agree with you. But I think he chose the xbox for 2 reasons.
    1. He can make a joke with the name.
    2. It’s far more ridiculous.

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