Since when do toilets have doors in jail?
Please tell me they’ve read the Evil Overlord list.
Did that guy fall in the toilet himself?
@SSM – I don’t think so, although I’m sure at least one of them probably has read the TVTropes page on evil geniuses.
@Din182 – That would be hilarious, but in this case, I guess the group just wasn’t interested in having a wacky sidekick.
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Since when do toilets have doors in jail?
Please tell me they’ve read the Evil Overlord list.
Did that guy fall in the toilet himself?
@SSM – I don’t think so, although I’m sure at least one of them probably has read the TVTropes page on evil geniuses.
@Din182 – That would be hilarious, but in this case, I guess the group just wasn’t interested in having a wacky sidekick.